Philippines, Brunei to strengthen ties vs extremist violence

During discussions at Camp Aguinaldo earlier this week, Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro and Ambassador Megawati Manan welcomed the close defense relations between the two nations as manifested during the official visit of former defense secretary Delfin Lorenzana to Brunei last year and the dialogue initiatives under the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting.
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MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines and Brunei are taking steps to further enhance the security cooperation between the two nations to combat violent extremism.

During discussions at Camp Aguinaldo earlier this week, Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro and Ambassador Megawati Manan welcomed the close defense relations between the two nations as manifested during the official visit of former defense secretary Delfin Lorenzana to Brunei last year and the dialogue initiatives under the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting.

Under the implementation of the 2001 Memorandum of Understanding between the Philippines and Brunei on defense cooperation, Teodoro expressed his appreciation to Brunei for inviting pilots from the Philippine Air Force to the Simulator Training for the S-70i Black Hawk aircraft.

He also emphasized Brunei Darussalam’s significant contribution to the Mindanao peace process, particularly in the previous assignment of military personnel from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces to the International Monitoring Team and the Independent Decommissioning Body.

With the establishment of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Teodoro enjoined Brunei to assist in the development of the local economy and industries in Mindanao, such as Islamic banking and investments, and strengthening of Islamic literacy for Filipino ulama (Muslim scholars/clerics).

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