

Majority of Filipinos view gays, lesbians as trustworthy, contributors to society — SWS

Majority of Filipinos view gays, lesbians as trustworthy, contributors to society � SWS
Members of the LGBTQIA+ community participate in a colorful parade in celebration of Pride Month in Biñan, Laguna on June 24, 2023.
The STAR / Mong Pintolo

MANILA, Philippines — A recent survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) revealed an increase in Filipinos' trust and acceptance of gays and lesbians.

The study, conducted from March 26 to 29 this year, showed that a majority of Filipino adults expressed a positive view of gays and lesbians, considering them as trustworthy and contributors to society.

Out of the 1,200 respondents, 79% agreed that gays or lesbians are just as "trustworthy as any other Filipino.”

Only 7% of the respondents admitted that they do not trust gays or lesbians, while 13% remained undecided on the matter. 

When asked whether LGBTQIA+ individuals have contributed to the progress of society, 73% of respondents agreed with the statement. In contrast, only 8% disagreed with this notion, while 19% were undecided.

In the survey, about 43% of respondents believed that "AIDS can be considered as a sickness of gays and lesbians." 

Approximately 26% of respondents in the latest survey agreed with the statement that being gay or lesbian is contagious.

The poll also showed that 40% of respondents expressed a desire for gay or lesbian family members to change and conform to heterosexual norms.

The survey results, which was released on Friday last week, came shortly before the nationwide pride marches advocating for the right to love and urging the passage of the SOGIE Equality bill. 

The non-commissioned survey conducted by SWS carried a sampling error of ±2.8%.

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