PDP-Laban removal of officers against party's bylaws, ousted official says

This undated file photo shows Sen. Manny Pacquiao delivering a speech at the Senate chamber

MANILA, Philippines — A senior PDP-Laban official who was among those thrown out from the ruling party last week has objected to their expulsion, saying it was against their bylaws.

PDP-Laban's national executive council had removed Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi, Deputy Secretary General Melvin Matibag and Astra Naik for supposedly "showing allegiance" to another political party.

It was led by Sen. Manny Pacquiao, the party's president who has found himself in a rift with other PDP-Laban officials including its chairperson, President Rodrigo Duterte.

Matibag on Sunday sought to refute the Pacquiao-led council's move, saying it has no authority to do so. He added it was done to serve the interest of someone eyeing the presidency next year, possibly referring to the senator.

"It is clear in PDP-Laban's bylaws under Article 7 that disciplining members can only be done by their respective chapters or national council they are under," he told dZMM's "Teleradyo" in Filipino.

A copy of PDP-Laban's bylaws was not immediately available. 

But as its officers, Matibag said they can only be removed through a vote of two-thirds by the national council.

The official also denied claims they were in allegiance to other parties, saying PDP-Laban's bylaws do not prohibit forging alliance with others.

"Where is the allegation that we swore to another party other than PDP-Laban?" Matibag continued in Filipino. "It is clear this is one way for Sen. Pacquiao's group to stay relevant and to continue politicking."

Many believe the lawmaker is preparing a run for president in the elections come 2022. 

But infighting within the PDP-Laban has also led to a word war between Pacquiao and Duterte, who is being urged to run for vice president next year. 

Pacquiao is currently in the United States for another boxing match. 

"This just makes it clear that what they are doing is for the personal interest of someone who wants to run for president and use our party," Matibag continued. 

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