DOH asks public to be 'extra vigilant' as gov't eases physical distancing rules in public transport

Commuters ride a bus on September 12, 2020.
The STAR/Boy Santos

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health called on the public to be “extra vigilant” as the government eased physical distancing rules in public vehicles, a move feared to result in surge in coronavirus cases.

Physical distancing in public vehicles was reduced to 0.75 meters from one meter beginning Monday in a bid to increase the passenger load of all modes of public transportation.

“Given the recent decision of the DOTr to ‘optimize physical distancing in transportation’ and in the interest of public health, we enjoin all Filipinos to be extra vigilant in situations where distancing cannot be practiced, and if possible, choose to participate in activities or use transport options that can afford at least one meter distancing,” the DOH said in a statement late Sunday.

The DOH urged Filipinos to continue wearing of face masks and face shields, practice hand washing and maintain physical distancing.

“Based on evidence, the level of protection increases when the practices are combined,” it said.

The department also asked senior citizens, immunocompromised people and those who do not feel well to stay at home.

Surge in COVID-19 cases

The government’s inter-agency task force approved the proposal to adjust physical distancing between commuters to an initial 0.75 meter, then to 0.5 meter, and later to 0.3 meter. 

Interior Secretary Eduardo Año, IATF vice chair, said the Department of Transportation made the proposal to ease physical distancing in public transportation following “clamor from the economic sector.”

Dr. Tony Leachon, former COVID-19 Task Force adviser,  said the measure is “risky, confusing and counterintuitive” and is not based on science.

Under the guidelines of the World Health Organization, a minimum of one meter distance should be observed to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

“The cornerstone or pillar in terms of preventing viral spread is actually physical distancing. The additional face mask or face shield will not compensate for the reduction of the physical distancing because of lower number registered by face mask and face shield in the absence of physical distancing,” Leachon, a public health advocate said in an interview on ANC. 

He stressed that if there is a COVID-19 positive person in the transport, anyone less than one meter from the individual after 15 minutes becomes close contact, which can lead to increase in COVID-19 cases and pose a challenge to contact tracing efforts.

“Since physical distancing is the number one deterrent for viral spread, reducing the distance of physical distancing may actually jeopardize our efforts in trying to flatten the curve,” Leachon said.

Dr. Edsel Salvana, an infectious disease specialist, suggested that the government should do pilot implementation of the new measure.

“I do not think a broad rollout with ever decreasing distances in a matter of weeks is prudent. We need to wait at least two to four weeks from initial pilot implementation to properly see any spikes in cases since we know it takes time for people to develop disease,” Salvana, a member of the technical advisory group that advises that DOH and the IATF said in a Facebook post Monday.

In a press briefing Monday, the DOH reiterated its statement on physical distancing in public vehicles and said there will be another meeting to discuss the matter.

“Meron pang pag-uusap na mangyayari and titignan natin ang magiging outcome (There will be a discussion and we will look at the possible outcome),” DOH Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said.

The country reported 261,216 COVID-19 cases, with 4,371 deaths and 207,568 recoveries.

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