Duterte draws flak for 'women cannot handle intimidation' remark

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte addresses troops during the 120th anniversary of the Philippine Navy, Tuesday, May 22, 2018 in suburban Pasay City south of Manila, Philippines.
AP/Bullit Marquez

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte, once again, drew criticism after making a misogynistic remark, implying that only men can withstand threats and intimidation.

Speaking at an event in Davao City on Thursday, Duterte said that some jobs are inappropriate for women.

"I believe in women, the competence and capability. But not all in life. It should be the case. It’s not appropriate when you cannot stand threats and intimidation," the president said.

Netizens were quick to call out the president for his remarks.

Duterte's latest remarks come days after activists and women's rights advocates launched the #BabaeAko movement on social media.

Men and women alike expressed support for the movement, which seeks to denounce the president's "misogynistic remarks that downplay and demean the role of women in society.

"We remind all public officials that, having the power and influence to set policy agenda, they should denounce and refrain from any kind of remark that perpetrates a machofascist culture — a culture that should have been shelved centuries ago, and we vow to condemn all kinds of similar statements, whoever it comes from," the #BabaeAko movement said in joint statement.

Duterte has previously made comments against women in the government including Vice President Leni Robredo, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales, ousted Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno and Sen. Leila de Lima.

The president even said that the next Ombudsman "could not be a politician, especially not a woman."

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