Restoring death penalty won’t deter crimes – CBCP

MANILA, Philippines – Hanging a criminal in public would not solve criminality.

That’s the belief of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Public Affairs Committee chairman Jerome Secillano, who reacted yesterday to a recent statement of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte that he would restore the death penalty by public hanging if he is elected president.

“Duterte is misled into thinking that the death penalty deters crimes,” Secillano said.

“You do not deter crimes by hanging criminals. You deter crimes by having efficient and effective law enforcers, incorrupt judges and lawyers and strict and fearless prison administrators.”

While it would appear at first that killing criminals is an effective way to stop crimes, in truth this problem could only be corrected by having an efficient criminal justice system, Secillano said.

“If criminals believe that they can buy their freedom, of what use then is the death penalty?” he asked. “Reforming our criminal justice system is the ultimate solution to crimes.”

Archbishop emeritus of Lingayen-Dagupan Oscar Cruz, a former CBCP president, yesterday said that he was surprised by Duterte’s statement.

“At this age and time, doing these atrocities against human life is a pity, precisely because civilization has already moved forward.”

Cruz said he does not agree with the method that would be applied by Duterte if he becomes president.

 “I disagree with Mayor Duterte as far as taking human life, so cheaply and lightly as if it is just getting rid of mosquitoes, getting rid of rats and the like,” he said.


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