Rody wants nationwide liquor, smoking ban

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte vowed to push for a smoking ban like the one enforced in Davao City for the past 13 years. He said smokers could indulge in the habit in designated areas outside buildings. AP/

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – Not only should smokers and drinkers be warned, but also those living in the fast lane.

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte said he would implement certain local ordinances that have been effective here in Davao City on a nationwide scale should he be elected president in next year’s elections. 

“Number 1 is no smoking,” Duterte said during his ”Gikan sa Masa, Para sa Masa” weekly TV program here yesterday.

He vowed to push for a smoking ban like the one enforced in Davao City for the past 13 years. He said smokers could indulge in the habit in designated areas outside buildings. 

The provision of having smoking rooms inside buildings was discontinued, he said.

According to Duterte, he would push for the no smoking ban even if it costs him votes in the presidential elections.

“Everybody will hate me. But I am sorry in face of those who die of cancer. I have to protect public health. This is one of the things that I cannot trade off. I cannot exchange it for anything,” Duterte said. 

But Duterte pointed out that in the national level, “if I make it to the Pasig, before I drown, it is really no smoking and I said that you can have places where you can smoke because I know that nicotine is addicting and therefore if you are smoking and you get addicted to nicotine and you must have a fix for that day which your body would really look for, especially in moments of stress, merrymaking, drinking, there are thousands of them who are into smoking.”

“This particular law or ordinance is not really intended to deprive you of your fix, but rather because nicotine is a cancer-causing merchandise, I have to protect those who are not smoking,” he said. 

Duterte, however, reasoned out he would be lenient on the requirements of smoking areas in the national level. 

“I am prepared to win and I am prepared to lose because of what I believe should be best for the country and for the people,” he said. 

Aside from the smoking ban, Duterte said he would implement strict policy on speed limits to prevent the occurrence of road accidents all over the country.

Duterte cited the ordinance in Davao City, setting the speed limits for all types of vehicles at 30, 40 and 60 kilometers an hour in different areas. 

The speed limit has in a way reduced the vehicular accidents in the city since it was implemented the other year, he said. 

Duterte said he would also want to implement a liquor ban nationwide. 

For almost 15 years now, there has been an existing ban on the sale of liquor at 1:00 a.m. in Davao City.

Duterte said he wanted establishments such as bars to be closed at a certain hour and not reach until the wee hours of the morning selling liquor. 

The mayor lamented that those who stay up until morning drinking are mostly young students who are sent by their parents to school but actually squander their allowances on drink and other vices. 

Duterte said he knows the ways of the streets when it comes to vices, which is why he is bent on implementing policies that would really bring about order in society rather that add to the miseries suffered by the Filipino people because of lack of discipline.

Banking on support

Duterte, who topped the recent surveys, said he is banking on the support of housewives, the youth, and carpenters in his presidential bid in admitting he has not enough political machinery.

In particular, Duterte said housewives and youths can sew campaign T-shirts for him while carpenters can make billboards out of scrap material for his campaign.

“Even if I have no money or political machinery… with their help, I do not need big money to run,” he said.

Duterte, who believes that his style of leadership in Davao City has put him in the frontlines, claimed he got some support from smugglers and businessmen who chose to skirt the law, but warned them not to support him instead.

He stressed that he will not hesitate to apprehend them should they violate the law even if they have contributed in his campaign expenses.

Duterte said he does not want to be compromised.

The tough talking mayor, who is known for his sarcasm, hit President Aquino on his “daang matuwid” or straight path policy.  –Robertzon Ramirez


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