More people see Noy as successful president

President Aquino’s latest scores yielded a 9 net expectation of success score compared to 8 in June 2014. STAR/File photo

MANILA, Philippines - More Filipinos expect President Aquino to be a successful president, a recent survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed.

Those who said Aquino will be a successful president rose from 29 percent in June 2014 to 35 percent in September 2015, according to the SWS Sept. 2 to 5 poll, results of which were published in the newspaper BusinessWorld yesterday.

Almost three in 10 or 26 percent believe Aquino will be unsuccessful (from 21 percent), while 39 percent said it is still too early to tell whether he will be successful or unsuccessful (from 50 percent).

Aquino’s latest scores yielded a 9 net expectation of success score compared to 8 in June 2014.

SWS attributed the marginal improvement in net expectation of success score to increases across most geographical areas and social classes.

His net expectation of success score increased to 23 in September from 12 in June 2014, to 26 from 22 in Mindanao, and to -3 from -7 in Metro Manila, offsetting a four-point drop in balance Luzon to a new record-low -1 from 3.

His ratings also rose by six points to 14 from 8 among respondents belonging to class ABC and by five points to 22 from 17 among those in class E, but hardly changing to 6 from 5 among class D respondents.

The survey used face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults nationwide with sampling error margins of plus or minus three percentage points for national percentages and plus or minus six percentage points for area percentages.

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