APEC leaders to issue joint statement on terror attacks

A Philippine Air Force helicopter hovers over the venue as part of security preparations for the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) Summit of Leaders Saturday, Nov.14, 2015 in Manila, Philippines. Thousands of police and soldiers are mobilized for the annual summit of the APEC which is slated Nov.18-19, 2015. AP/Bullit Marquez

MANILA, Philippines - Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum plan to condemn the terrorist attacks in Paris in a joint statement to be issued at the end of their meeting this week.

“We strongly condemn these atrocities that demand a united voice from the global community. We, therefore, reaffirm our strong collective resolve to counter terrorism,” the draft statement reads.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said the APEC ministers expressed their condolences to the families of the victims of the multiple coordinated attacks in Paris.

“There was a call for unity of nations and peoples and there was additionally a call for bringing to justice those who perpetuated the horrific developments in Paris,” del Rosario said in a press conference.

“Each minister who spoke started with the commentary on the terrorist attacks in Paris. It’s contained in the minutes,” he said.

A joint statement detailing new actions for advancing an Asia-Pacific economic growth agenda was issued by ministers from the 21 APEC member-economies following the conclusion of the 2015 APEC Ministerial Meeting yesterday in Manila.

The 2015 APEC Ministerial Meeting was co-chaired by del Rosario and Trade and Industry Secretary Gregory Domingo. It will be followed by the continuation of the 2015 APEC CEO Summit today and the 2015 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting on Nov. 18 and 19.

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