Trucks, heavy vehicles banned on Macapagal Boulevard

MANILA, Philippines - Trucks and heavy vehicles are now banned from using Diosdado Macapagal Boulevard, the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) announced yesterday.

The PRA said passenger buses and light vehicles could still pass through while road repair is ongoing.

“We are now coordinating with the Pasay Traffic Management Office for them to deploy additional traffic aides in the area since repair is undertaken 24 hours,” said Floria Urcia of the PRA.

Urcia said they implemented the ban on heavy vehicles immediately after the Department of Public Works and Highways and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) approved PRA’s request for rehabilitation of the road.

Urcia said trucks and heavy vehicles could use Roxas Boulevard in the meantime.

The road repair reportedly started last June but was suspended. Repair works in the area only resumed last August. 

Meanwhile, Manila Vice Mayor Isko Moreno called on the MMDA to adopt a proposal to take control of all traffic management duties in Metro Manila.

According to Moreno, the mayors of Metro Manila have proposed the creation of a Metropolis Traffic Management System to be attached to the MMDA.

The creation of the Metropolis Traffic Management System would give MMDA traffic enforcers control of areas previously only handled by traffic enforcers of the various local government units of Metro Manila, Moreno said. – With Mike Frialde, Janvic Mateo



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