MILF apprehensive over proposed new name for BBL

Rallyists appealed to Congress to resume deliberations on the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law and not let the January 25 encounter between policemen and Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels in Mamasapano, Maguindanao stifle the now 18-year government-MILF peace deal. John Unson/File photo

MANILA, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has reservations over the change of the name of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) to Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (BAR) in the substitute bills filed in Congress. 

In an editorial posted on its website, MILF said rebels and soldiers are aware that BAR also stands for Browning Automatic Rifle used by the United States (US) and other countries during the 20th century. 

“The legislators failed to realize how strong the effects of symbolism (are) in determining the mindsets and attitudes of people,” the editorial read.  

“By using BAR, it continuously reminds the Moros of their martial history as an unconquered people and the BAR as a very reliable weapon in their wars with government forces in early 70s,” it added. 

MILF noted that the BAR, which was originally designed by John Browning for the US Expeditionary Corps, was also used during the Vietnam War.

“The imposed wars from the Spanish period to the advent of the Americans in the 19th century and onto the declaration of Martial Law in 1972 have compelled the Moros to defend and arm themselves or perish,” the group said.  

“Consequently, as warriors, their psyche is easier to sway to take the path of war than to embrace the so-called path of peace. It is only now under the Aquino dispensation that they see the peace process as genuine,” it added. 

The BBL will form a new Bangsamoro entity with greater economic and political powers. It will replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim and Mindanao (ARMM), which President Aquino called “a failed experiment.”

The measure creating the BBL is now being deliberated in Congress. Critics of the measure, however, are questioning some of its provisions including the nature and the extent of the powers of the Bangsamoro government. 

MILF also believes that lawmakers are “overstressing what is obvious” when they renamed the measure BAR to emphasize the autonomous character of the entity as part and parcel of the Philippine state.  

“They want to erase any hint of so-called sub-state status for the Bangsamoro new entity, and finally, any justification for secession. Fear has now become the prime enemy of peace through the BBL,” MILF said. 

“Well and good! But they are only overstressing what is obvious. Redundancy is never the best practice in writing and in law-making,” it added.

MILF stressed that its peace negotiators as well as those of the government have seen to it that the BBL does not contain any provision that violate the Constitution. 

“The BBL has passed through various discussions including long sessions with constitutional experts like Fr. Joaquin Bernas, former Supreme Court Justice Hilario Davide Jr., and many others to ensure that it is compliant to the Constitution,” it said.

MILF also reiterated that a diluted BBL would not solve the decades-old problem in Mindanao. 

“What then is the use of a law passed by Congress only to prolong the miseries and sufferings in Mindanao, because it violated the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro and the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro - and the MILF is forced to reject it?” the group said.

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