8,000 youth to attend papal rally in QC

MANILA, Philippines - Around 8,000 young people are expected to attend the pre-papal visit event in Smart-Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City on December 12.

Jerald Cruz, head of the mobilization team of the pope rally event, said the young people will come from the different schools and youth organizations that will converge at the event, dubbed as "Win One for God: A Pope Rally."

Cruz said the program will start with a Holy Mass to be celebrated by Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas. 

The theme for the Papal visit on January next year will have the theme of "mercy and compassion."

Meanwhile, Archbishop Villegas said that the visit of Pope Francis to the country will give a deeper understanding to Filipinos the unconditional love of God. 

 "The coming of Pope Francis focusing on the theme 'Mercy and Compassion' should be an occasion for us to understand and appreciate more deeply how deeply God knows us, how lovingly God embraces us and how unconditionally God loves us. W do not need to wait for January next year. Even now , let us proclaim the message and challenge of Pope Francis to win one for God," the archbishop said. 

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