Filing of martial law victims complaints extended

Protesters displayed effigies of human rights victims at the People Power Monument in Quezon City during the commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of Martial Law imposition in the country. AP Photo/Bullit Marquez

MANILA, Philippines - The application period for martial law human rights victims' claims for recognition and reparation has been extended for six months.

Majority of lawmakers voted unanimously to pass Joint Resolution 16 which moves the deadline for filing applications from November 10 to May next year, said House Deputy Speaker and Nueva Vizcaya Rep. Carlos Padilla Jr.

"Through the passage of the resolution extending the deadline of the filing of reparation claims for the human rights victims, we are giving the victims the full opportunity to get the recognition they deserve for their sacrifices in protecting this nation's liberties and freedom, especially as they enter their final years," Akbayan Rep. Barry Gutierrez said.

As of October 2014, more than 29,000 have filed complaints at the Human RIghts Victims' Claims Board.

The deadline for the filing was extended to allow the expected 55,000 to 90,000 claimants from far-flung areas to file for reparation and recognition, as stated in the Human Rights Victims' Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013.

The expanded time frame is set to accommodate all victims with legitimate claims to ensure that they will be given proper recognition and compensation.

"We are happy, therefore, that the leadership of the House lent its full support leading to the swift approval of the measure. This is a clear signal that the Congress is serious in its commitment to seeing justice served to the thousands of victims of Martial Law," Gutierrez said.

The joint resolution extending the deadline of filing of claims was passed on the third and final reading at the House of Representatives.

RELATED: Martial law 'victims start process for claims | Group: Claims Board making it hard for Martial Law victims

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