Race for Enzo Pastor renamed since Dalia camp's threat

Image from the Circuit Showdown Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines — A racing match under Circuit Showdown, founded by slain international racing driver Enzo Pastor, ran under a different name following a threat from the camp of suspect Dalia Guerrero Pastor, his widow and suspect in the murder.

The racing event held Saturday at the Clark International Speedway was instead called "The Final Showdown" after Dalia's mother, Val Guerrero, threatened to take legal action if Circuit Showdown will hold a new race.

"Anyone using this name for any reason whatsoever will be charged with estafa. This company has been filed as non-operational," the elder Guerrero said on the event's Facebook page.

In an apparent reaction to the statement, the event organizers, composed of Pastor's friends, dedicated to the late racing champion maintained that the scheduled race would be the "last and final event" under Circuit Showdown.

"It is being held as a fulfillment of our contract to our beloved sponsors, as an act of good faith to our participants and fans, and to show that we care about finishing what has been started," the organizers said on Facebook.

"While we have to say goodbye to CIRCUIT SHOWDOWN, a name is just a name, and our commitment to the sport of racing will continue as a different entity, much improved and even better than before," they added.

The Circuit Showdown series, formerly ran by Pastor and his wife, aimed to bring racing to the grassroots by allowing drivers to use any car in the circuit.

Despite the controversy, organizer Edward de la Rosa on Sunday thanked supporters and participants for the "successful" event last Saturday.

The Department of Justice last week dismissed the petition of businessman Domingo "Sandy" de Guzman, alleged mastermind behind Pastor's death and lover of Dalia, for more time to answer the murder charges filed against him.

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