Miriam: Kick Purisima upstairs

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago yesterday called on President Aquino to be responsive to the sentiments of the people and let go of Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Alan Purisima.

Santiago suggested Purisima should be “kicked upstairs.”

Since the President was reluctant to fire Purisima, Santiago said the PNP chief could be appointed to a different position, one that would be compatible with his present post, such as member of the National Police Commission, or assistant secretary of either the Department of the Interior and Local Government or the Department of National Defense.

Santiago explained the rule is that another office is incompatible when the nature and duties of the two offices are such as to render it improper, from considerations of public policy, for one person to retain both offices.

“In other words, President Aquino, please kick Purisima upstairs so that he will leave the PNP alone. That’s the best way, under the circumstances, to get rid of a suspicious character,” Santiago said.

Santiago said that amidst “an entire avalanche of plunder and corruption cases,” Purisima refuses to step down and even became bolder when he was given the opportunity to air his side.

“Mr. Purisima has no defense, except that his alleged political enemies are exaggerating his unexplained wealth. Exaggerated or not, the question is: Where did he source all that wealth?” Santiago said in a speech delivered at the annual convention of the Philippine Association of Real Estate Boards, Inc., the title of which was “Real Estate Transactions; and The Curious Case of the PNP Chief.”

“I have to be impressed with the defense made by Mr. Purisima. I have never before met someone who seems to have such a small mind inside such a big head,” she added.

Santiago said that the President, just as he has with all of his other controversial appointments, is not expected to remove Purisima from his post.

Purisima is under fire for accepting P11 million in donations for the construction of the “White House” at PNP headquarters in Camp Crame. He also admitted getting a huge discount for a luxury vehicle he purchased from a dealership in Pampanga.

Some of his properties were also allegedly undervalued and were missing in his statements of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN). But Purisima belied all of these.

Critics called on Purisima to take a leave so as not to influence the investigation against him.

“What should we do about Mr. Purisima? He refuses to go on leave of absence, thus igniting suspicions that he will use all the powers and prerogatives of a PNP chief to silence his critics. He can be placed on preventive suspension, but only after the ombudsman conducts a preliminary investigation and files a complaint for plunder against him with the Sandiganbayan,” Santiago said.

PNP spokesman Senior Superintendent Wilben Mayor said they respect the opinion of Santiago against Purisima.

Mayor said the PNP would continue performing its duty amidst the criticism.

“All of us have our own opinion and are entitled to it since we are in a democracy,” Mayor said. “We treat these criticisms in a constructive way, as a challenge to improve the police service. The PNP is a professional organization.”

Mayor, however, refused to comment on whether Purisima should go on leave, saying the issue is a personal matter that the PNP chief should discuss.

“It would be up to Purisima if he wants to take a leave of absence and the final say rests with President Aquino,” he said.

Demolition job

Malacañang, on the other hand, believes Purisima is a victim of a demolition job.

Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. suspected Purisima is being pilloried by syndicates and groups adversely affected by reforms in the PNP, including  the PNP Firearms and Explosives Unit.

Coloma said Purisima has been effective in implementing reforms in the police force while fighting organized crime syndicates.

Coloma said the reforms implemented in the firearms registration unit showed the PNP is serious in the fight against criminality.

“This included the anomalies in the registration of firearms that are used in criminal activities, the control of loose firearms. Those are the important reforms implemented by Purisima,” Coloma said in Filipino.

Coloma has attributed to the criminal syndicates with whom Purisima got entangled the moves to oust him, noting that he has been effective in solving crimes and in law enforcement.

“We could also count the reforms Purisima made against drug recycling syndicates and he personally investigated the ambush in Atimonan in the first year of his term,” Coloma said, referring to the team of policemen led by Superintendent Hansel Marantan in the killing of 13 men in Atimonan, Quezon on Jan. 6 last year.

Coloma said Purisima ordered the immediate prosecution of the involved policemen, which showed his resolve against high profile crime which cannot be considered insignificant.

Malacañang has repeatedly defended Purisima regarding questions about his unexplained wealth, pointing out the top cop should even be credited for opening himself up to public scrutiny. – Cecille Suerte Felipe, Delon Porcalla



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