Teacher invents portable windmill

GENERAL SANTOS CITY, Philippines - Ethnic B’laans at the foot of Mt. Parker have adopted as their own a school teacher for inventing a water system and a portable windmill now benefiting 169 school children and their families.

The B’laans, led by their tribal datu, Saliku Dansay, even came close to barricading the city schools division office in General Santos City when they learned that William Moraca would be transferred to another school in Sitio Klolang, about seven kilometers away.

Moraca was head teacher at the time of Sitio Datal Salvan Elementary School.

Sitio Datal Salvan is a B’laan hinterland enclave in Barangay San Jose in General Santos City.

Grade school pupils under Moraca even wept when they learned he would be transferred to Sitio Klolang Elementary School, also in Barangay San Jose, so he can help improve the school and develop potential sources of energy and a water system for local B’laan settlers.

Moraca’s first project in Barangay Klolang was a portable windmill attached to an automobile alternator charger for car batteries that can supply direct current for 12-volt vehicle lamps available in hardware stores.

A graduate of the Ramon Magsaysay Memorial College in General Santos City, Moraca, born on May 28, 1969, is not only a teacher, but an inventor as well.

Moraca learned how to design sources of power using renewable energy from the General Santos Trade School, where he finished high school.

Moraca first became popular in Barangay Datal Salvan when he designed a water system run by magnets from appliances and toys attached to a contraption designed to pump water from a stream to the hinterland surroundings of the school where he handles elementary classes.

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