NWPC to issue rules on maids’ wages

MANILA, Philippines - Compensation for kasambahays or househelp nationwide will be reviewed and adjusted by regional wage boards.

Ciriaco Lagunzad III, National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) board chairman designate, said the different Regional Wages and Productivity Boards (RTWPBs) have been authorized under new rules to review and adjust the minimum wage of househelp within their jurisdictions.

The new NWPC rules take effect next month.

Lagunzad said the wage boards may conduct an annual review of the prevailing wages of househelp without the need of a directive from the NWPC.

The review shall consider the needs of domestic workers and their families, consumer price index, poverty threshold, capability of employer to grant pay hike and the average wage of domestic workers, he added.

Prior to the issuance of a wage order, the board shall hold consultations with stakeholders to deal with issues concerning the sector, as well as public hearings where all parties shall be represented.

The wage order to be issued shall not allow exemptions and shall dismiss outright exemption  applications. 

However, an aggrieved party may appeal within 10 days after the issuance of a new wage order before the NWPC.

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall ensure compliance with the wage order.

The New Kasambay Law approved last year set the minimum wage of househelp in Metro Manila at P2,500 a month.

Those in cities and first class municipalities will get P2,000, and P1,500 for those in other municipalities.

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