Ninoy tells PNoy in letter: Live with honor, follow your conscience

Ninoy was detained on Sept. 22, 1977 at the MSU Compound of the Philippine Army at Fort Bonifacio Presidential Museum and Library/PCDSPO/"Ninoy: Ideals & Ideologies 1932-1983"

MANILA, Philippines - While in prison during the early years of Martial Law, the late Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino wrote a personal letter to his only son and namesake.

In his letter dated August 25, 1973, the elder Aquino explained to his son why he decided not to participate in the proceedings of the military commission assigned to try the trumped up charges of illegal possession of firearms, subversion and murder filed against him.

Aquino said his decision was an "act of conscience."

"It is an act of protest against the structures of injustice that have been imposed upon our hapless countrymen. Futile and puny, as it will surely appear to many, it is my last act of defiance against tyranny and dictatorship," Aquino wrote in his letter.

Aquino also relayed to his son a prepared statement that he intended to read before the military commission.

He explained in the statement why he did not follow suggestions that he beg for mercy from the Marcos regime.

"Son, this I cannot do in conscience. I would rather die on my feet with honor, than live on bended knees in shame," Aquino said.

Aquino also apologized to his son for passing to him the responsibility of taking care of their family.

He asked his son to stand by his mother, the late President Corazon Aquino, and look after his two younger sisters, Viel and Kris.

"Krissy is still very young and fate has been most unkind to both of us. Our parting came too soon. Please make up for me. Take care of her as I would have taken care of her with patience and warm affection," Aquino said.

The martyred senator also apologized to the younger Aquino for not being able to leave him material wealth.

"The only valuable asset I can bequeath to you now is the name you carry. I have tried my best during my years of public service to keep that name untarnished and respected, unmarked by sorry compromises for expediency. I now pass it on to you, as good, I pray, as when my father, your grandfather, passed it on to me," Aquino said.

The democracy icon ended his letter urging his only son to imitate his actions and continue his legacy.

"The only advice I can give you: Live with honor and follow your conscience," Aquino said.

"There is no greater nation on earth than our Motherland. No greater people than our own. Serve them with all your heart, with all your might and with all your strength," he added.

"Son, the ball is now in your hands," Aquino concluded.

The nation is commemorating today the 31st death anniversary of the elder Aquino while his son, now in his fourth year as President, is being accused of destroying his parents legacy for declaring his openness to amend the 1987 Constitution.

In an interview with TV5 last week, Aquino said he is open to amend the Constitution to clip the powers of the judiciary.

When asked if he wants a term extension, Aquino said he listens to his bosses - the Filipino people. He added, however, that this does not automatically mean that he would seek reelection.

Meanwhile, some of the President's allies are pushing for Charter change to extend Aquino's term.

Militant groups have criticized Aquino, saying Charter change, a second term and a weaker Supreme Court are "ingredients for a dictatorship."

Malacañang, on the other hand, has defended the President, dismissing opinions that he is destroying the legacy of his parents.

"It is well known that the President has been doing his best to institute reforms that will bring about the transformation of Philippine society in keeping with his parents' legacy," Presidential Communications Operations Office head Herminio Coloma Jr. said.

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