Senate launches breastfeeding room today

MANILA, Philippines - The Senate is now a breastfeeding friendly workplace with the launching of its breastfeeding room today for the exclusive use of nursing female members of the senators’ staff and Senate secretariat.

The air-conditioned breastfeeding room is located at the extension wing of the fifth floor of the Senate where most of the senators’ offices are located.

Open during work hours, the lactation station is furnished with comfortable seats and tables, a refrigerator for storing milk, electrical outlets for breast pumps and reading materials on breastfeeding, maternal health and child care.

 Measuring 2.5 x 4.5 meters, the facility is a joint initiative of the Office of Sen. Pia Cayetano, in partnership with the Senate Gender and Development Focal Point Group and the leadership under Senate President Franklin Drilon.

 The establishment of breastfeeding rooms in public places, government establishments and private offices is mandated by Republic Act No. 10028 or the Expanded Breastfeeding Act of 2010, which was authored and sponsored by Cayetano.

The landmark law also mandates employers to allow paid “lactation breaks” for nursing members of their staff during work hours apart from the regular lunch and snack breaks.

 The launch of the Senate breastfeeding room coincides with the chamber’s observation of August as National Breastfeeding Month, which is also mandated by RA 10028.

 Other activities scheduled today include a legislative briefing on infant and young child nutrition and the launching of a photo exhibit on this year’s theme, “Breastfeeding – A Winning Goal for Life.”

 Leading breastfeeding advocates and health organizations will spearhead the legislative briefing, including World Health Organization country-representative Dr.Julie Lyn Hall, UNICEF country-representative Lotta Sylwander, leaders from the Philippine Coalition of Advocates for Nutrition Security and the World Vision Development Foundation, and experts from the Department of Health and the National Nutrition Council.

 The photo exhibit, on the other hand, will feature the works of photographer Stanley Ong and his wife lawyer Jenny Ong, an avid breastfeeding advocate. It will run from Aug. 11-20. 


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