Gov't tries to narrow differences with MILF: official

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - The government vowed today to thresh out the differences with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) so as to come up with an acceptable draft of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) that would smoothly pass Congressional deliberations.

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda made the statement following reports that MILF Vice Chairman Ghadzali Jaafar warned that some of their commanders and members may return to armed struggles if the BBL is not submitted to Congress in a month's time.

"Both the MILF peace panel and the government peace panel are right now discussing and threshing out whatever differences they have to ensure that there will be a submission before Congress," Lacierda said.

"We take seriously the statement of the MILF peace panel where they are resolved also, along with government, to push for the basic-Bangsamoro Basic Law.

"We will push for a BBL to Congress, so that whatever achievements that we have made in the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro will be maintained, preserved, and even furthered," he said.    

The Philippine government signed with MILF the peace deal on March 27 this year, following four decades of fighting that has claimed tens of thousands of lives in southern part of the country.  


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