Arab prince lauds Philippines' workers, women's roles

Saudi Price Talal (left) praised Filipino workers for their competence and openness to women in the workplace and in politics. Agfund/IRRI

MANILA, Philippines - Following his visit to the Philippines, Saudi Arabian Prince Talal Bin Abdul Aziz lauded how Filipino workers and the active participation of women contributed to the rapid economic development of the Philippines.

In an Arab News report on Monday, Talal noted in a meeting with the media that women are part of the Philippines' decision-making in politics as well as business.

He added how several women have taken positions in Congress and the Senate.

The senior member of the Saudi royal family also observed that Filipino workers are "highly competent" and "very clean."

Saudi Arabia follows traditional gender roles which are blamed for the low participation of women in the workforce, tallied at only 17 percent--among the lowest in the world. King Abdullah only recently granted women the right to vote in municipal elections starting in 2015.

Talal visited Manila last week to launch the first Ibdaa Microfinance Bank under the Arab Gulf Program for Development, where he is founding president.

He met with Vice President Jejomar Binay and top government officials as well as business leaders such Philippine Chamber of Commerce President Miguel Varela.

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