FDA issues holiday food safety tips

MANILA, Philippines - Beware of a possible surge in food-borne diseases during the Christmas holidays, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned yesterday.

Acting FDA director general Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go said the public must take the necessary precautions against diarrhea and other food-borne diseases to prevent these from ruining the family Christmas celebrations.

He has advised consumers to do the grocery and accomplish other activities before buying perishable items in the market.

“There is less chance that these perishable items will spoil due to growth and colonization of bacteria if you do the other activities in the mall before buying fresh products,” Go said.

He also said that perishable goods must be kept in a cool place as bacteria will multiply every minute if the fresh produce are left for hours without refrigerating them.

The best way to thaw meat or fish, he said, is to remove it from the freezer and keep it inside the refrigerator overnight. Use of running water in thawing can contaminate the meat.

Fruits and vegetables must be washed before putting them in the refrigerator because they may contain bacteria that can contaminate other food products.

“As a general rule, food must not be left open for more than two hours so serving size should just be enough for the family,” Go added.

When in doubt of the safety of the food, it must be thrown away properly and should not be fed to animals.

He also advised that persons suspected of suffering from food-borne diseases should immediately consult a doctor.



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