SC to finish ‘Arlene’ probe by April 2014


MANILA, Philippines - The Supreme Court (SC) committee investigating the reported influence peddling in the judiciary is set to complete its probe and submit a detailed report before April of next year.  

The committee led by Associate Justice Marvic Leonen has confirmed the reported influence-peddling activities by a certain “Ma’am Arlene.”

Malacañang expressed full support for the judiciary’s investigation on the issue.

It has directed the Department of Justice through Secretary Leila de Lima to help unmask the brains behind such activities.

“The executive department, through the National Bureau of Investigation, is participating and assisting (in the investigation),” deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said.

The judiciary probe led by Leonen has been tasked to dig deeper into allegations of influence peddling in the courts.

Another investigation is also being conducted by the office of Court Administrator Jose Midas Marquez, who has administrative supervision over judges and justices all over the country, and who recommends sanctions on erring judiciary officials or personnel.

The panel, however, lamented published reports that showed a photo of Arlene Lerma rubbing elbows with judges and justices.

Lerma, in the photo, was alleged to be the “fixer” of cases in courts.

It has been insinuated that Lerma is the judiciary counterpart of financier Janet Lim-Napoles in Congress, dubbed as the pork barrel scam queen.

“The photograph that has been prominently displayed on three broadsheets today is but one of many documents and pieces of information that the committee is carefully considering,” the committee said in a statement issued yesterday.

The photo showed Lerma surrounded by female justices of the Court of Appeals and an SC magistrate.

The photo, a copy of which was obtained by The STAR from authorities investigating the controversy, was taken during the retirement of Deputy Court Administrator Antonio Eugenio Jr. on Nov. 20 last year.

Eugenio confirmed that it was indeed taken during his retirement ceremony.

“That is all there is in that picture. Those who impute malice are simply malicious,” he told The STAR.

The former SC official, who had served as a prosecutor for eight years and a judge for 16 years, admitted Lerma, reportedly a former staff of Manila Vice Mayor Isko Moreno, was his guest during the event.

“I first met Arlene when I sought the assistance of Vice Mayor Moreno sometime in 2007 when I became the first Manila judge to be elected president of the Philippine Judges Association. She was always tasked by the vice mayor to give a helping hand to judges,” Eugenio recalled.

“In 2009, I was re-elected. So each time I would ask for assistance from the vice mayor, the latter would instruct Arlene to take care of the matter for him. So Arlene and I became friends,” he added.

Eugenio said the justices in the photo were also his friends.

He said the presence of members of the judiciary in the event with Lerma was only coincidental.

“During all those years, I developed many friendships among my peers. I have known them from way back, even before they became justices,” Eugenio said.

An insider disclosed the Leonen committee has invited CA Deputy Court Administrator Jenny Lind Delorino to identify those in the photo and explain the circumstances behind it.

The panel earlier had invited Court Administrator Marquez and Deputy Court Administrator Raul Villanueva to shed light on the activities during the last Philippine Judges Association (PJA) election, from where the allegations about “Ma’am Arlene” reportedly originated.

The SC had initially traced the source of the reports to a supposed smear campaign in the PJA electoral contest.

The three judges who vied for the top post in the PJA have denied involvement in the controversy.

Newly elected PJA president and Quezon City Regional Trial Court Judge Ralph Lee and his rivals, Makati City RTC Judge Rommel Baybay and Marikina City RTC Judge Felix Reyes, all said they had nothing to do with the allegations.

The Leonen panel, however, clarified that it has not made any conclusion yet as to the involvement of Lerma in the controversy.

“A photograph memorializes a moment. It may speak some truth but it may not be all of it. The proper context therefore must be understood and proven,” it said, adding that it has “received many documents and photographs and information and tips coming from official as well as unofficial sources.”

The committee said it has been careful when it comes to identities of those covered by the probe “to ensure that those who are innocent are shielded from undue and unwarranted prejudice even as it ensures those who are liable are identified and the proper recommendations for their sanction are made to the Court.”

The panel created by the SC last October also appealed to the media not to “unduly publicize” evidence gathered so as not to jeopardize the pending probe. 

“The committee appreciates the public interest in these allegations of judicial corruption. But determining the truth is often not achieved by a mad rush based on incomplete pictures, suggestive images or unsubstantiated contexts. It is best achieved by a sober, clear, complete and independent look at the entire context. This is what the Committee has committed to do,” it said.

The Leonen panel has vowed to come up with “a sober, clear, complete and independent look at the entire context” as it asked for “patience as we do our duty with due and deliberate speed.” – Edu Punay, Delon Porcalla


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