Sunshine cries rape, files raps vs Cesar

MANILA, Philippines - Actress Sunshine Cruz yesterday filed a criminal complaint against her estranged husband, actor-director Cesar Montano, for alleged physical abuse and rape.

Cruz charged Montano with violation of Republic Act 9262 or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Law before the Quezon City Prosecutor’s Office.

When contacted by The STAR, Montano refused to comment on the complaint, citing the gag order issued by the court. But he said he would speak at the proper venue.

Sources said Cruz and Montano have filed for an annulment.

Enumerating the alleged violent acts committed by the actor, Cruz said she almost lost consciousness when Montano, at one instance, slapped her on the face and hit her head on a concrete wall.

On May 12, 2013, she alleged that Montano barged into her house in Quezon City while she was alone and “attacked her, employed physical harm, and raped her.”

The estranged couple had been living separately since their much publicized split-up several months ago.

The actress claimed that Montano’s “foregoing and other series of philandering and womanizing ways” caused their more than 12-year marriage to deteriorate.

She said that she and their children were compelled to leave their conjugal home in February this year.

According to Cruz, Montano deprived her and their kids of “support, shelter, and means of transportation, considering that the children are already of school age.”

She accused him of harassment by threatening her with physical harm, obscene accusations, and grave defamation. She cited several text messages allegedly coming from Montano.

Cruz, who appeared at the Quezon City Hall of Justice to swear on her complaint, said her estranged husband “deceitfully” took custody of their children on July 29 and refused to return them to her.

“He deliberately and forcibly refused to release the minor children to the complainant, and continues to deny complainant the rightful custody and access to her three minor daughters,” read the complaint filed through her lawyer Bonifacio Alentajan.

They asked the prosecutor’s office to file a case against Montano before the Quezon City regional trial court.

Alentajan told reporters that Cruz filed a separate petition for a temporary protection order against Montano.

The lawyer refused to provide details on the petition due to a gag order issued by the court.

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