Poe wants government-issued documents clearly written

MANILA, Philippines - Government personnel should start practicing how to write clearly and simply.

Sen. Grace Poe has filed the plain writing for public service bill, which would require government-issued documents, particularly those intended for the public, to be written in a manner that is easily understandable by anyone.

The bill would have all government agencies junk the highly technical and oftentimes confusing style of writing guidelines, orders and other issuances.

Poe said documents containing information about government services and benefits, obtaining such benefits as well as those that explain to the public how to meet government requirements should be written in a clear and understandable manner.

“Do away with difficult words and phrases that confuse the public, this is what this bill is all about. We want government to effectively serve millions of ordinary Filipinos who often take time understanding public documents,” Poe added.

The new senator said her bill was patterned after some laws on plain writing passed recently in the United States.

Under Poe’s bill, plain writing would refer to writing and preparations that are clear, concise, well-organized and follow best practices suited to the subject or audience.

The Civil Service Commission would be tasked to lead the implementation and issue the guidelines for plain writing.

All government employees would also be required to undergo training in plain writing.

Poe said she expects her bill to promote and expand public access to government services “towards inclusive growth that benefits the poor.”


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