Palace: Obama stand pushes Phl position

MANILA, Philippines - US President Barack Obama’s warning to China against using force or intimidation in its maritime disputes with its neighbors pushed the Philippines’ position on the sea row, Malacañang said yesterday.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said the Philippines’ call for a peaceful resolution to the West Philippine Sea dispute has resonated globally.

Valte said she could not predict how Obama’s call could influence other countries’ views on the issue.

She, however, refused to directly describe Obama’s statement as a big morale booster.

“We do know that there are a number of institutions, a number of countries that have expressed support for the position that we have taken,” Valte said over radio dzRB.

“We have gone through diplomatic channels, we have gone through the correct venue for the settlement of disputes such as this, and we have always
advocated for a peaceful resolution, so we have received widespread support on our position,” she added.

Valte said Obama’s statement was consistent with the Philippine government’s position that any maritime dispute should be resolved under a rules-based regime based on international law.

Obama, meeting Chinese officials in Washington for wide-ranging talks, “urged China on Thursday to manage its maritime disputes with its neighbors peacefully, without the use of intimidation or coercion.”

Tensions have steadily risen between China and Japan, which accuses its neighbor of sending an increasing number of ships to exert its claim over unpopulated islands managed by Tokyo in the East China Sea.

The Philippines and Vietnam have also charged that China has used assertive means to exert claims in the conflict-riven South China Sea, although tensions have abated slightly with Hanoi in recent weeks.

State Councilor Yang Jiechi, addressing a press event at the end of the two days of talks, said China explained its “principled position” on the East China Sea and South China Sea.

China “expressed the hope that the United States will support the efforts of the parties concerned to properly handle and resolve the relevant disputes through dialogue,” Yang told a press event.

“China is the firmest promoter of the freedom of navigation in all oceans around the world, and China will continue to firmly implement this policy,” he said.

The United States since 2010 has repeatedly been outspoken over the South China Sea, saying that it has a national interest in ensuring freedom of navigation but does not take sides on individual claims.

With an eye on the tensions, the United States has boosted military cooperation with Japan and the Philippines – which are both treaty-bound allies – as well as with former war adversary Vietnam.

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