MILF agrees to revise wealth-sharing agreement

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the largest anti-government rebel group in the Philippines, promised today to revise the wealth-sharing agreement under the Framework Agreement on Bangsamoro.  

MILF Vice Chairman Ghadzali Jaafar said the decision was reached by the MILF Central Committee at a meeting that was presided by MILF chairman Al Haj Murad Ibrahim last week.

"We already have a position," said Jaafar on the government proposal. The official said the position they reached was "good because we discussed it during a whole day meeting."

Jaafar had earlier accused the government of deliberately delaying the signing of a peace agreement by proposing amendments to the already-initialed wealth-sharing agreement.

Jaafar also expressed that MILF commanders are growing impatient over these delays.  

The MILF has been fighting government troops for decades to establish a self-rule Muslim state in southern Philippines. The Aquino government and the MILF formally signed on Oct. 15 of 2012 a framework agreement, a road map for final political settlement to end the decades-old armed struggle in southern Philippines.

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