Migrante cautions Phl officials on Balintang shooting probe

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine government officials should avoid unnecessary remarks that may provoke Taiwan pending the results of the parallel probe on the Balintang Channel shooting last May 9, a migrant workers' rights group said on Friday.

Migrante vice chairperson John Monterona said issuing unnecessary remarks by Philippine officials could only muddle the situation.

"Issuing unnecessary remarks against Taiwan that would only provoke the former amid PH-Taiwan row will not help as it will stirs controversies, which will only muddle the issue at hand," Monterona said.

Monterona added that even issuing speculations on the result of the parallel, but separate investigations conducted by both sides will not help and will only invite more controversies.

"The parallel, but separate investigations may not be the ideal set up; nonetheless the aim is for both sides to find out what really happened on the Balintang Channel incident.

"It would be better if both governments agreed to have or allow a third party, such as a respected international human rights body or group, to conduct an independent probe," Monterona said.

The Balintang Channel shooting resulted in the death of a 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman, Hung Shih-Cheng, on May 9 when Philippine Coast Guard personnel reportedly opened fire.

To date, there are 85,000 OFWs living and working in Taiwan.

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