

Binay confident of 7-5 UNA win in Senate race

Jose Rodel Clapano - The Philippine Star

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines – Vice President Jejomar Binay expressed confidence yesterday that the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) could post a 7-5 win in the senatorial election.

“At least it’s 7-5,” Binay said during a press conference shortly before UNA’s political rally here.

Binay said UNA candidates would continue with their style of campaigning to ensure victory.

Senate President Pro-Tempore Jinggoy Estrada and UNA senatorial candidate JV Ejercito, who attended UNA’s campaign sorties here amid reports of a feud, also dismissed Team PNoy’s prediction of a 12-0 win in the senatorial election.

“If the election would result to 12-0 in favor of the other party, it is not the people’s choice but the PCOS (precinct count optical scan)’s choice,” Jinggoy said.

Jinggoy noted that UNA’s campaign rallies are well attended compared to that of Team PNoy.  

JV said Team PNoy’s claim of a 12-0 win is political gimmickry aimed at conditioning the mind of the voters for a landslide result in their rivals’ favor.

“Why do they seem to be very sure of that 12-0 claim? Are they up to something?” he asked.

Jinggoy campaigns for JV

Jinggoy, who attended UNA’s political rally here because his father, former President Joseph Estrada, and Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile designated him to be their proxy, campaigned for his brother JV.

“Don’t forget my brother, JV, a congressman of San Juan, who also wants to become a senator. It’s just that I am more handsome than him,” Jinggoy said, but did not raise the hand of his younger brother.

Jinggoy and JV also gamely danced as comedian Gary Lim sang “Teach me how to Doggy.”

JV had just resumed campaigning after being discharged from the hospital due to heat stroke.

“I told my doctor to release me because I know that each day in the campaign that I am absent, I am losing thousands of votes. Now that I am here, I am sure that I am getting thousands of votes from you,” he said.

12-0 win for Team PNoy not doable – Salceda

Even Albay Gov. Joey Salceda, a member of the ruling Liberal Party, said a 12-0 victory of Team PNoy candidates is not doable.

Salceda said he would support the candidacies of UNA senatorial candidates Nancy Binay, Jack Enrile and JV.

“Definitely, our (LP) target is 10-2, that is our goal before. We are campaigning, of course, for the party for a 12-0. But we can only achieve 10-2. But we’ll come out with 9-3. It’s really up to the people,” he said.

“I think the results are already very clear. If you watch, if you do some statistical analysis there is some kind of trend. But we do not have to talk about survey. The people will vote not because of survey, but because they want it,” he added.

Salceda said UNA candidates are welcome as friends and guests of the province of Albay.

“The Albayanos are hospitable and we will go out of our way just to make sure our guests are comfortable and they feel welcome to the place, especially the festival. We are going all out just to welcome everyone,” Salceda said.

He said UNA candidates also have no disagreement with the policy of the administration.

“From the start, UNA declared that it is going to support the President. That is why we welcome them to Albay. We have the same experience, Jojo (Binay) and I.  He fought for our freedom during the dark days of martial law. He was with Mabini and when democracy was restored he defended it during the coup,” Salceda said.

Salceda also commended Binay for expanding the role of local government units (LGUs) in nation building when he was still mayor of Makati.

“He has been an exemplar of what LGUs should be doing. So, I think he is pretty secure on what will be his role in history. I don’t know, but I cannot see where they differ,” he said. – With Cet Dematera



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