P-Noy to lead PNP leadership turnover today

MANILA, Philippines - President Benigno Aquino III will lead today the turn over ceremony of Philippine National Police leadership at PNP headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City.

The President is expected to grace the occasion in the change of leadership from PNP chief Nicanor Bartolome to PNP deputy director general Alan Purisima.

The turnover ceremony will be witnessed by PNP personnel and officials as well as top government officials and several members of the diplomatic corps this morning.

Earlier, Bartolome said he will not be availing of the non-duty status before stepping down from his post and instead will be going on early retirement.

He said this is to give the incoming PNP chief the full authority and supervision over the personnel.

Bartolome's replacement, Purisima, has already been designated to head Task Force Halalan, a special task group in charge of security during the May mid-term elections next year.

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