Land-grabbing threatens to displace Marines guarding West Phl Sea

MANILA, Philippines - The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has ordered an investigation into the reported land-grabbing activities of government lands in Palawan, particularly in areas considered as highly strategic to the military’s defense transition from internal to territorial.

Several military insiders said that a team from the AFP Inspector General recently dispatched to Puerto Princesa City has already completed its investigation and is due to submit a report to the defense and military leadership.

Lt. Col. Niel Estrella, spokesperson of the Armed Forces Western Command (Wescom), confirmed that military investigators have indeed conducted a probe into the controversy.

“Yes there was an investigation and the team of military probers sent here has seen for themselves who are behind these land grabbing activities,” Estrella said.

Estrella said military probers themselves inspected one of the highest peak in Barangay Bacungan where the Marines, guarding the West Philippines, have been maintaining an observation post along side the local police.

Resolution evicting Marines

The area, a little more than 200 square meters, has been chosen as the military’s radar site, but for yet unknown reason, local officials suddenly passed a barangay resolution asking the Marines to leave, declaring that their presence in the area is becoming a frightening sight to local and foreign tourists.

The barangay resolution is currently pending at the City Council of Puerto Princesa.

However, Wescom officials led by Lt. Gen. Juancho Sabban, pointed out that the area is a government land and a strategic location for Wescom monitoring over a vast area of the West Philippine Sea.

With the Marines' refusal to leave the post, Sabban himself was accused of maintaining the presence of the Marines in Barangay Bacungan to protect the land he allegedly acquired illegally.

“When the AFP probers conducted an on sight probe over these areas, they see for themselves who are the people behind these land grabbing activities,” Estrella said.

Estrella added that Wescom has already applied to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to declare the entire land in question, mostly fenced with markings “Private Property” as a military reservation.

The ongoing tug-of-war between influential persons in Palawan and the military involving these vast tracks of government lands near the world-renowned Puerto Princesa City Underground River, has in fact gone to the lowlands.

Recently, a civilian presenting original land titles claimed ownership of the entire eight-hectare Marine camp in Barangay Tiniguiban.

“That’s a military camp. The Marines are there since the 80s. The area was not developed yet. And here comes a civilian, presenting a clean title, claiming ownership the camp,” Estrella said.

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