Cambodian ambassador ending term early

MANILA, Philippines - Cambodia’s top diplomat in the Philippines is ending his tour of duty ahead of schedule reportedly due to his comments regarding the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) dispute.

Department of Foreign Affairs sources told The STAR that Cambodian embassy Second Secretary Tan Chandaravuth handed on Wednesday a note verbale to the DFA, saying Hos Sereythonh is leaving next week.

Sources said the ambassador is also not attending the 45th ASEAN Day celebration at the DFA this morning.

“A new ambassador has been named,” another source said.

A Cambodian daily reported that Hos is ending his term a year ahead of schedule as tensions flare over the West Philippine Sea.

Rasmei Kampuchea Daily cited sources saying that Cambodian ambassadors normally have a three-year term. Hos started serving as ambassador to the Philippines on July 27, 2010.

The report said the move ending Hos’ tour of duty in Manila is related to the tensions over the South China Sea.

The paper said local political analysts in Cambodia believe the ambassador’s early return could be a move by Cambodia to ease tensions between the two Southeast Asian countries.

The Cambodia Daily said Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation spokesman Koy Kuong said the government was downplaying the ambassador’s return.

The DFA had summoned Hos over comments linked to Manila’s territorial row with China.

Hos was asked to explain his comments accusing the Philippines and Vietnam of playing “dirty politics” over the issue of ASEAN and the South China Sea.

He said it was behind the “inflexible and non-negotiable” position of the Philippines and Vietnam on the inclusion of the West Philippine Sea dispute with China in the Joint Communiqué.

He made the comments in a letter to The Philippine STAR.

Hos did not appear at the DFA to meet with Undersecretary for Policy Erlinda Basilio on Tuesday because he had flu.

Sources said the ambassador could not ignore DFA summons, which could be a ground to declare a diplomat persona non grata.

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