Lacierda's nephew to join party-list polls in 2013

MANILA, Philippines - A nephew of presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda has declared his intention to join the party-list elections in May next year.

Ryan Lacierda Uy, whose mother Rose is an older sister of the Cabinet secretary, made known his political plans in an interview with journalist Efren Montano over state-run radio dzRB.

“I am my own man but of course I cannot deny the fact that he is my uncle,” he said, noting that while this may consequentially be a negative issue, there is also the possibility – in case he wins through Binhi party-list – of “access.”

“Having access (by virtue of a relative in government) is also an asset. It will be easier to extend help when needed,” argued Uy, whose main advocacy is organic farming.

Uy said he will not necessarily be pro-government but will point out some mistakes in government if there are, but not to the extent of berating public officials, but by providing solutions to problems within the bureaucracy.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte confirmed Uy’s political ambition, but refused to give details.

Biazon: Nothing definite yet

Meanwhile, Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon said that he is studying his options for the 2013 elections even if President Aquino has already announced his inclusion in the Liberal Party’s 2013 senatorial slate.

“I’m really more comfortable in the legislature,” he told The STAR.

Biazon won in 2001 as Muntinlupa City representative, beating veteran Ignacio “Toting” Bunye even if he had not held any public office.

His options now include running for Congress, the Senate or staying as Customs commissioner.

Some groups, including the advocacy group Government Watch chaired by businessman Raul Concepcion, are urging Biazon to stay at Customs.

He said he would decide in August so that he can make an official announcement by September.

However, he conceded that if President Aquino wants him to be part of the LP senatorial ticket, he would not be able to stay as Customs chief.

Among the names that cropped up as his successor should his senatorial bid push through are former Customs commissioner Alberto Lina and Davao City Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.– With Iris Gonzales

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