Czech acquires Phl spotted deer from northern Italy zoo

MANILA, Philippines - A zoo in the Czech Republic has acquired Philippine spotted deer from a zoo in northern Italy for conservation of this rare species.

The Philippine embassy in Prague told the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) that The Prague Monitor, a daily online newspaper, reported on June 26 that the Liberec Zoo has acquired four female Philippine spotted deer.

In the same report, it was stated that Liberec Zoo may acquire a male deer to start the breeding process if these four female deer will do well in their new environment.

Liberec Zoo director David Nejedlo said that the breeding of the rare spotted deer would be another step towards their conservation.

According to Liberec Zoo expert Lubos Melichar, the Philippine spotted deer lives only in an island in the Philippines and is ranked among the world’s most endangered wildlife species.

Liberec Zoo has joined an international program for the conservation of this deer species.

It has been assisting in the conservation of the spotted deer and other animal species in the Philippines.

It mainly cooperates with Pavel Hospodarsky, a Czech-born expert, who has lived and worked in the Philippines as the animal conservation center’s adviser since 2006.

Liberec is the fifth-largest city in the Czech Republic.

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