'Supreme Court minus Corona should uphold Luisita ruling'

ANGELES CITY, Philippines – The left-leaning fisherfolk alliance Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya) said the Supreme Court minus ousted chief justice Renato Corona should uphold the ruling on Hacienda Luisita. “It is a bigger and bolder issue than the conviction of Corona. Acting Chief Justice Antonio Carpio and the 13 other justices must prove to the people their respect for the decision on Hacienda Luisita,” said Pamalakaya vice chairman Salvador France.

“The justices should show they are not playing the game of Malacañang for political convenience,” he added.

France expressed fears that Corona would be replaced by “someone friendly to the Aquino administration.”

Earlier, Corona said the impeachment case against him was motivated by his support for the Supreme Court’s decision on Nov. 22 last year, ordering land distribution at the hacienda owned by the President’s family.

“What if President Aquino asks the new chief justice and other justices to overturn their April 29 decision on Hacienda Luisita in favor of Hacienda Luisita Incorporated?” he asked, adding what happened to Corona could now put pressure on members of the high court to favor moves that could pave the way for decisions favoring the President’s family over the Hacienda Luisita issue, including the demand of the Cojuangcos for P10-billion compensation.

Pamalakaya said “the impeachment and conviction of Corona is a product of political collaboration among reactionary political groups (and) was merely meant to sacrifice Corona for their own political ambition in 2013 midterm elections.

“On the other hand, Aquino will continue to exploit the conviction of the chief justice and still prevailing anti-Arroyo sentiment to advance his diminishing popularity resulting from his administration’s failure to resolve people’s issues like joblessness, low wages, unstoppable hikes in the prices of petroleum products, utilities and basic services,” the statement also said.

Meanwhile, members of the militant labor group Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) marched to Mendiola Bridge to air their demand for the immediate distribution of Hacienda Luisita and immediate relief for workers from poverty.

“Now that he will have full control over the Supreme Court (with the removal of Corona), Aquino will surely try to reverse the High Court’s ruling on Hacienda Luisita or try to maximize his family’s gains from its distribution to farmers. We are calling on the people to oppose any such schemes by the President,” KMU chair Elmer Labog said.  

“Now that Corona is out of the way, President Aquino should stop making palusot (excuses). He should immediately prosecute, convict, and jail for good former president Arroyo for her grave crimes against the Filipino workers and people,” Labog added. – With Mayen Jaymalin

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