Nurse tops Army training course

MANILA, Philippines - A registered nurse who opted to join the noble profession of arms instead of seeking greener pasture abroad topped this year's Army training course for candidate soldiers in Western Visayas.

Now on active military duty with the rank of private, registered nurse Marc Herni Fermin was among the 96 latest graduates of the 3rd Army Infantry Division Jungle Warfare Mountain Operation Course (JWMOC).

For topping the six-month Army's JWMOC in academic and non-academics, Fermin of Barangay Look, Calatrava, Negros Occidental, was also awarded the division commander's medal by Maj. Gen. Jose Mabanta, 3rd Infantry Division commander, during their recent graduation at the division headquarters at Camp Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz.

"As the Army continues to actively participate in nation building, let us focus on our primary objective as the protector of the people and the state. We should continue to improve on our capabilities to best address the challenges that come across our peace building efforts," Mabanta told newly enlisted soldiers.

He also reminded the soldiers who would be deployed for development and security duties to be people-centered and always ensure adherence to human rights, international humanitarian law, and rule of law in all their undertakings as a soldier.

Being a registered nurse, Fermin has several opportunities to join millions of overseas Filipino workers but opted to stay to join the Army, 3rd Infantry Division spokesman Maj. Enrico Gil Ileto said.

Other newly enlisted soldiers who finished the rigorous six-month cross training jungle warfare mounting operation course are criminology graduate Benjie Artuz of Capiz, awarded with the division's chief of staff award; Kenneth Edmun Hilongos of Purok Datu Kaka, Cotabato City, a computer science graduate awarded with the division commandant's medal; and Johnry Bryan Villafuerte of Barangay Managupaya, Banate, Iloilo who received the Physical Proficiency Award for obtaining the highest rating in physical fitness test throughout the training.           

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