Green groups to hold protest caravan vs Balikatan

MANILA, Philippines - Hippies wearing peace symbols will launch a multi-sectoral caravan protesting the latest Balikatan military exercises between the United States and the Philippines today.

Members of different organizations led by Kalikasan People’s Network for the Environment are scheduled to hold an early morning activity outside the National Housing Authority (NHA) in Quezon City to declare their opposition to the joint military exercise.

Noting that the Balikatan will largely be held in Palawan and Mindanao, environmental groups warned of potential ecological impacts and increased militarization of mining-affected areas.

Kalikasan, in an announcement yesterday, cited the Philippines’ experience with toxic wastes left by troops after the US military bases in our nation were dismantled as one reason why they are objecting to the joint military exercise.

The group said huge naval units are expected to have large ecological footprints that will possibly affect mining communities and biodiversity areas in its area of operations.

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