Llamas ready to face findings of probe team

MANILA, Philippines - Presidential political affairs adviser Ronald Llamas is ready to “face the findings and recommendations” of the investigation on his reported buying of pirated DVDs. 

Llamas has apologized for “any difficulty and unintended embarrassment for the administration” because of the incident.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said the office of Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. has issued a memorandum to Llamas on Jan. 27 requiring him to explain in five days why “no administrative disciplinary proceedings should be taken” against him.

On Jan. 23, Llamas was caught and photographed buying a stack of pirated DVDs worth P2,000 in one of the stalls at Circle C mall on Congressional Avenue in Quezon City.

In a statement, Llamas said he had chosen to be silent initially so as not to undermine the Malacañang inquiry. 

“It was the most prudent thing to do in light of the inquiry that the Executive Secretary has launched,” he said. 

Llamas said he wanted to show respect for President Aquino, aware of concerns over pressing issues requiring the government’s prompt action. 

“I didn’t want the government to expend its energy over that regretful incident and so I submitted to the process that was launched and I am ready to face the findings and recommendations of the inquiry,” he said. Valte said Llamas spoke with Aquino on Friday but they do not know what exactly transpired.

“We will wait for the results of the investigation,” she said. “The President is expecting a written explanation and we will go from there.”  

Valte said they would “hold off judgment” on whether Llamas has lost the trust and confidence of Aquino. “We do not want to give the impression that we are being biased one way or the other,” she said. “We are according respect to the process of the investigation.”  

Valte said the incident involving Llamas would be governed by existing rules on administrative cases. 

“We have guidelines on offenses, on sanctions that I am not competent to talk about at the moment,” she said. 

Valte said it would depend on the personal discretion of Llamas whether he would take a leave of absence. “We will leave that to the judgment and to the discretion of Secretary Llamas,” she said.                                             

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