GMA launches commemorative cover of 35th RP-China ties

MANILA, Philippines - President Arroyo launched in Shanghai, China yesterday the Chinese edition of the joint commemorative cover to mark the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Philippines-China diplomatic relations.

The event highlighted her attendance at the Philippine National Day Commemorative Ceremony at the Central Hall of the Shanghai World Expo.

Over 190 countries and 50 international organizations are participating in the Expo, which is expected to draw up to 70 million visitors from May 1 to Oct. 31.

Mrs. Arroyo, who arrived under overcast skies and chilly weather late Tuesday night, was assisted by Shanghai Party Secretary and Communist Party of China Politburo member Yu Zhengsheng.

She was accompanied by Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo, Press Secretary Crispulo Icban and Trade Secretary Jesli Lapus.

She also launched the book “A Selection of Folk Tales from the Philippines for the Young Chinese Reader,” before watching cultural performances by the UP Madrigal Singers and Ballet Philippines.

The Philippine edition of the first day cover was launched by Romulo and Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Liu Jianchao in Manila on June 3.

Speaking during the observance of Philippine National Day at the sprawling Expo Center, Mrs. Arroyo said the Philippines has invested billions in new infrastructure to deliver greater modernity to every corner of the nation.

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