Miriam wants photos of poll violations

MANILA, Philippines - Re-electionist Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago yesterday appealed to media and electoral watchdogs to take photos of violations of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) resolution implementing the Fair Elections Act, such as oversize streamers and posters on trees and other prohibited places.

In a statement, Santiago said outside cities, candidates are running rampant using prohibited election propaganda.

She cited illegal propaganda that violates the Comelec resolution as campaign materials posted outside the common poster areas designated by the Comelec; posters of candidates with dimensions exceeding two by three feet; and posters in private places without the consent of the owner.

“Even if it’s election season, who wants to see the faces of politicians plastered all over their neighborhood?” Santiago said.

She said illegal propaganda constitutes election offenses, penalty of which is imprisonment of not less than one year but not more than six years with no probation. 

The guilty party shall also be disqualified from holding public office and not be allowed to vote.

Persons posting in prohibited places shall be liable together with the candidates and other persons who caused the posting. 

“In Philippine electoral history, has any candidate been charged or convicted of these violations?” Santiago said.

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