Creation of independent peace commission sought

MANILA, Philippines - Lakas-Kampi-CMD senatorial bet Silvestre “Bebot” Bello III is proposing the creation of a permanent independent peace commission whose members will have a fixed term in order to strengthen the government peace panel and finally achieve peace with rebel groups.

Bello said that previous government peace panels were always at a disadvantage during negotiations with rebel groups because of the short time given to them to prepare for talks and effectively grasp the issues at hand.

Due to a limited time to prepare and the lack of in-depth knowledge about peace issues, he said “government panels groped in the dark,” and there were even times when individual members of government peace panels took different positions.

“The members of the peace panel should have an institutional, in-depth knowledge of issues during negotiations. We can only achieve this by creating a permanent independent peace commission whose members have fixed term,” said Bello, who was in Laoag City to attend the opening ceremonies of the Inter-Region Athletic Association (IRAA) with Lakas-Kampi-CMD presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro and other senatorial candidates.

He said the creation of a permanent peace commission will be one of the first bills he would file once elected to the Senate.

Bello, who was a member of different peace panels during the time of former Presidents Corazon Aquino and Fidel Ramos and incumbent President Arroyo, noted that each of these administrations had different peace panel members.

Thus, during peace negotiations, the position of the previous panel differed with that of the succeeding panel.

“This results in confusion and puts the government at a disadvantage because of its changing positions,” he said.

Bello said the life of the peace commission should be until such time when peace is finally achieved with the various rebel groups.

“There can be no progress without peace. We cannot move as a nation without peace,” he stressed.

Bello has served government in various capacities in the last 24 years, holding the justice portfolio twice, was solicitor general and chief negotiator of government panels during peace negotiations with the CPP-NPA during the Ramos time and under the current administration.

He said he believe that such concerns as climate change, environment, education, mass housing, health care, employment and food security would not be enjoyed without peace.

“This is the reason why I’m focusing on peace and justice for all, among other advocacies, if elected to the Senate,” Bello emphasized.

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