Gordon open to join merged Lakas-Kampi-CMD if...

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Richard Gordon yesterday said he was willing to join the newly merged coalition Lakas-Kampi-CMD if the party chooses a standard- bearer based on his “qualifications, track record and integrity,” and not on his survey ranking.

Gordon has been lagging behind other presidential hopefuls in surveys.

He said he would consider former President Fidel Ramos’ offer for him to join Lakas-Kampi-CMD if the ruling party picks a candidate on the right criteria, as well as promote his advocacies.

“If Lakas will choose one who is qualified, not based on money but who has strong qualifications, track record, integrity and who will really do something for the nation, then I will join with Bagumbayan,” Gordon said.

Bagumbayan-Volunteers for a New Philippines, a new political party that supports Gordon as president, is awaiting accreditation from the Commission on Elections (Comelec).

“If you can make a person win because he has the track record, can motivate people and that will be the rule, I will consider joining. If it’s on principle that they are going to advocate what I advocate – which is no corruption, good governance, integrity of the candidate – why not?” he added.

However, Gordon said he would have to turn the offer down if Lakas-Kampi-CMD would be using survey results in choosing their standard-bearer, adding that if he would also opt to advertise on television, he would top the surveys.

“If you’re going to come in but it’s going to be about money again, then that is wrong. We are simply returning to the Nacionalista (party) and Liberal (party) days, who are the moneyed. It is the party of the rich again. I’ll take my chances elsewhere if that is the case. What happens is the moneyed keep commissioning surveys,” he said.

Gordon was referring to the NP headed by Sen. Manuel Villar Jr. and LP led by Sen. Manuel Roxas II, whom he had been criticizing for spending millions in political advertisements.

“I have no doubt that if you advertise big, you will be the number one, number two in surveys. But if you will not advertise, you cannot fight against those who advertise. Is that what we want, the wealthy will win even if they are not qualified?” Gordon stressed.

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