Vagni separated from Abus battling government troops

MANILA, Philippines – Kidnapped Italian Red Cross worker Eugenio Vagni has reportedly been separated from the main group of Abu Sayyaf terrorists that are now battling the military and police in the jungles of Sulu.

Instead, Vagni is now being kept in a populated area by another group of Abu Sayyaf terrorists, according to several military and police sources in Sulu.

“Vagni is no longer in the mountains,” said one of the ground commanders leading the assault on the Abu Sayyaf bandits, who are now reportedly holed up in the jungles of Indanan, Parang and Patikul.

When sought for comment on this report, Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner Jr., spokesman for the Armed Forces, said this information also reached his attention.

“There were indications that Vagni is indeed being kept by his Abu Sayyaf captors in a populated area,” Brawner said.

The report was given by anti-terror Task Force Comet commander Maj. Gen. Juancho Sabban to higher authorities regarding the progress of the military’s ongoing search and rescue operations for Vagni.

“Apparently he is being kept in a populated area because of his physical and health conditions,” Brawner added.

Vagni was reported to be suffering from severe hernia and hypertension.

Prior to the heavy fighting last week, Vagni, who was mobile, was monitored to be in constant contact with his wife back in Italy.

Vagni is the last of the three Red Cross workers abducted by the Abu Sayyaf last Jan. 15 in front of the provincial capitol in Patikul town.

His colleagues, Swiss national Andreas Notter and Filipina engineer Mary Jean Lacaba, have since been freed.

Last Thursday, while conducting rescue operations in Barangay Timahu in Indanan, government troops encountered Vagni’s captors led by Albader Parad and Abu Jumdael alias Dr. Abu.

Six Abu Sayyaf members and one Marine soldier were killed in the fighting.

But the terrorist group retaliated last Saturday as they ambushed an Army and police convoy in Barangay Sionogan also in Indanan, killing six Marines and a police trooper.

Meantime, Sen. Richard Gordon said yesterday the Philippine National Red Cross was assured that Vagni remained alive in the hands of his captors. — With Aurea Calica


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