NBI to lead probe on World Bank road mess

MANILA, Philippines – Lawyer Ric Diaz, chief of the National Bureau of Investigation-Anti-Terrorism Division (NBI-ATD), has been tasked to head the investigation against private contractors and individuals who may be involved in the World Bank (WB) road fund anomaly.

His unit will team up with the Office of the Ombudsman, which found enough evidence to file graft charges against 17 officials of the Department of Pubic Works and Highways (DPWH) more than a month ago.

Assistant Ombudsman Mark Jalandoni said the NBI has finished its preliminary evaluation of supposed documentary evidence against private firms and personalities who were allegedly involved in the anomalous bid rigging of the WB’s $150-million National Road Improvement and Management Project-Phase 1 (NRIMP-1).

Following a case conference with Diaz last Tuesday, Jalandoni said the probe against private contractors who submitted bids that were way above approved budget contracts (ABC) will now begin.

He said representatives of private firms who gave testimonies before Senate hearings on the issue will be summoned by the NBI.

“They might call for those who allegedly issued statements. (The joint investigation) will look into the collusion angle,” he told The STAR in an interview, referring to how government officials were accused of conspiring with private firms to manipulate the bidding process.

He earlier explained that the Office of the Ombudsman does not have jurisdiction over private entities, which is why its investigation only covered DPWH officials led by former secretary Florante Soriquez.

Jalandoni, as chief of the Field Investigation Office (FIO), recommended the filing of graft charges against these government officials before the Preliminary Investigation and Administrative Adjudication and Monitoring Office (PAMO).

PAMO will recommend the filing of graft complaints if there is probable cause to do so after conducting its own investigation.

First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo’s name was dragged into the picture when his name was mentioned in the confidential report the World Bank submitted to the Office of the Ombudsman.

The joint NBI-Ombudsman probe is expected to determine if President Arroyo’s husband has to answer questions about his supposed involvement in the anomaly.

As for Soriquez and the other DPWH officials who are now facing graft complaints, Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez has formed a three-man panel of investigators and gave it 90 days to complete the preliminary investigation.

The investigating panel is headed by a senior investigator of the Office of the Ombudsman, according to Assistant Ombudsman Jose de Jesus Jr., PAMO chief.

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