UK legislator hits Church over RH bill

A visiting member of the British parliament criticized yesterday local Catholic Church leaders for their “attacks” on Filipino legislators supporting the controversial Reproductive Health Bill.

Mark Pritchard, chairman of the Philippine Committee in the United Kingdom Parliament, said that while he understands the view of the Catholic Church on procreation, people should still be allowed to choose their own method of family planning.

“More important is the issue of free will and free choice,” Pritchard said during a talk at the University of the Philippines in Quezon City.

In issuing his statements, Pritchard clarified that he was speaking about his personal view on the matter and was not representing any group from the UK.

He also maintained that he was speaking as a “candid friend” of the Philippines.

Pritchard also clarified that he was not supporting any measure promoting abortion, which the Catholic Church opposes.

“But I disagree with the church leaders who attack politicians engaging for sex education in schools, universal access to contraceptives and encouraging responsible family planning,” he told an audience composed mostly of college students and academics.

Pritchard said there is “a world of difference between the imposition of family planning and encouraging family planning.”

He warned the Catholic Church about the negative implications of a large population in the Philippines.

“The Philippine population in the future will potentially reduce the living standards (of its citizens),” Pritchard said.

He said the booming population would also increase dependence on food importation or advance conflicts relating to food supply.     – Reinir Padua

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