Gov't won't lift OFW deployment ban to Iraq

MANILA, Philippines – Despite the improving peace and order situation in Iraq, the Philippine govern-ment is still unlikely to lift the ban on the deployment of Filipino workers to the war-torn country.

Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) chief Rosalinda Baldoz said there is still no recom-mendation from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Middle East Preparedness Committee for the lifting of the deployment ban.

“We are awaiting the recommendation from DFA and the committee headed by Gen. Roy Cimatu and we will only take action based on their recommendation,” Baldoz said.

Baldoz also clarified that the Philippine government is yet to determine the exact number of Filipino workers employed in Iraq at this time.

She belied reports that there are around 10,000 Filipino workers who sneaked into Iraq despite the deployment ban imposed by the Philippine government five years ago.

The local recruitment industry earlier demanded the immediate lifting of the deployment ban in Iraq, claiming Filipino workers will be better protected if they were deployed there legally.

Recruitment leaders further added that employment in Iraq is safe since most Filipinos there are working inside heavily secured US camps.

The Iraqi Embassy in Manila has also called on the Philippine government to scrap the deployment ban so they could meet the rising manpower requirement in their construction projects. — Mayen Jaymalin

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