‘Darag’ more nutritious than comm’l broilers

Breastfeeding mothers and health buffs can get more nutrition from darag, a type of native chicken found mostly in the Visayas.

A study by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) showed that darag meat contains less fat, is high in protein, rich in potassium and has more unsaturated fatty acids.

Darag is preferred for its unique flavor, taste, and texture. Small growers are raising the fowl as an alternative enterprise.

The FNRI said unsaturated fats are in fact essential to bodily health, providing protection for vulnerable parts of the body, maintaining warmth in the system, disseminating vitamins A, D, E and K.

These fats help to keep the hair and skin healthy and act as storehouses of energy.

Research showed that a daily dose of unsaturated fat can be highly beneficial.

Common unsaturated fats are derived from oily fish like herring, tuna, sardines, and salmon as well as from vegetable oils and nuts.

The study, which compared the chemical composition, physico-chemical properties, and sensory qualities of darag meat against those of commercial chicken, aims to establish research-based information to guide poultry owners who might be interested to raise the native chicken.

The FNRI said darag can be found mostly in the Western Visayas provinces, specifically in Iloilo, the Negros provinces and Guimaras. – Helen Flores

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