Pampanga bet rapped over student cards

SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga – Third district Rep. Rey Aquino has sought the disqualification of re-electionist Mayor Oscar Rodriguez for issuing so-called "Fernandino cards" to residents and for putting up oversized campaign billboards across the city.

In two petitions for disqualification, Aquino accused Rodriguez of violating the Omnibus Election Code and the Fair Elections Act of 2001.

Aquino is again seeking the San Fernando mayoral post, which he had held for nine years since 1995. Rodriguez is gunning for a second term.

Aquino said Rodriguez "is exploiting his position to directly and indirectly promote, advertise and campaign for his re-election" in distributing the Fernandino cards.

The cards are being given out under a scheme where students are hired under the special program for employment of students.

But Aquino said the hired students are peddling the cards wearing shirts with the name "OCA" on them, while the claim stubs have Rodriguez’s face on them.

Aquino also said Rodriguez’s billboards are beyond the size provided for in Republic Act 9006, or the Fair Elections Act.

Rodriguez, however, downplayed Aquino’s move, saying it was a clear move to hamper him from delivering the social services of his administration.

He said no law was violated since the Fernandino cards have been given out since last year under City Ordinance No. 2006-005 sponsored by councilor Alex Patio.

The Comelec has set the hearing on the disqualification petitions on May 3.

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