Senate lauded for approving amendments to bill for disabled

The Advocates for Special Children and the Handicapped Movement (Asahan Mo) expressed gratitude to the Senate for the passage of the bill seeking additional benefits for persons with disability.

Asahan Mo, a party-list group that advocates more welfare benefits for the disabled welcomed the amendments to Republic Act 7277 or the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons.

Senate Bill 2580, which was passed by the Senate on third and final reading last Thursday before Congress adjourned, will provide more privileges and incentives to disabled people that were not included in R.A. 7277.

Under the new bill, persons with disabilities would be granted a minimum of 20 percent discount on fees in all establishments.

Beneficiaries will get the discount on admission fees charged by cinemas, theaters, concert halls, carnivals and other similar establishments.

The discount would also apply in the purchase of medicines in all drugstores as long as these are for the exclusive use of the persons with disabilities.

A minimum of 20 percent would also be granted on fees for medical and dental services, including diagnostic and laboratory fees in all government and private facilities.

The same goes for transportation, the 20 percent discount applies for domestic airliners and ships, commuter trains, jeepneys and buses.

The bill also grants the disabled an exemption from the payment of individual income taxes provided that annual taxable income does not exceed the poverty level.

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