Abra governor decries trial by publicity

BANGUED, Abra — Embattled Abra Gov. Vicente "Vicsyd" Valera said yesterday that he was a victim of trial by publicity by his opponents, whom he said want to destroy his political career since the killing of Abra Rep. Luis "Chito" Bersamin on Dec. 16.

In a cellular phone interview, Valera said that despite the lack of solid evidence linking him to the Bersamin slay and investigators’ virtual admission that they cannot directly link him to the crime, his opponents continue to besmirch his name by making it appear in the national newspapers and television as if he was behind the Bersamin assassination.

He said that one piece of black propaganda used against him was the report that Quezon City police are checking whether his errand boy and Quezon city home’s caretaker, Fred Berbosa, is a close relative of the alleged gunman, Dominador Barbosa.

Quezon City police visited the Valera residence in Xavierville in Quezon City to invite Valera to shed light on the Bersamin slay. Because Valera was not at home, the only person in the house was Fred Berbosa, his errand boy. This has raised suspicions that Fred Berbosa was related to the gunman.

Valera said Fred Berbosa is not related in any way to the alleged gunman because Fred’s surname is not Barbosa, as earlier reported.

The Bersamin family had linked Valera to the Bersamin assassination and said Valera’s motive was greed and envy. During the necrological services for Bersamin Wednesday, Associate Justice Lucas Bersamin, the younger brother of the slain lawmaker, accused Valera of involvement in his brother’s assassination.

Valera also said he is not even hiding, though he admitted that he was keeping a low profile because of the negative statements against him by Bersamin’s relatives.

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